4. BORGMANN Fussball Cup 2012
Gallery 01.08.2012
4. BORGMANN Fussball Cup 2012
Gallery 01.08.2012
It was fun and just perfect: weather, crowd, drinks, food and music made a beautiful day with lots of great moments and a decent portion of “sporty spice”. Not really on purpose but who could have predicted the skills of the winning team, eventually the host of the tournament itself stood at the podium again. The cup will be exhibited at King Size, but not before a painful and extensive restoration after Salon Zu Wilden Renate has kidnapped the Cup and hid him in some shady corners of the Club. Thanks to all the great teams: Cookies, Lodown, Felix, Weekend, Lining, Grill Royal, Wilde Renate, Kater Holzig und La Racalette. See you next Year!